Musical Ancestries

Musical Ancestries™ is a program designed to inspire school-aged children to explore their musical and cultural heritage.

Each episode features a children’s radio story premiered on Classic 107.3. A Prezi presentation supplements the children’s story to allow for a deeper delve into the music and culture by incorporating visual images, maps, audio and video clips, text, and hands-on activities in a user-friendly and engaging way. In addition, there are links to the original radio broadcast audio file, the written script for that audio broadcast, and further resources (both online and in the St. Louis community) for students, teachers, and families. All resources are available to parents and educators as needed. National Standards addressed are noted on the main page of each Prezi presentation.

Interested in sponsoring an episode of Musical Ancestries™?

Educational Programs

Learn about journalist, riverboat captain, speaker, and author Samuel Clemens, a.k.a. Mark Twain, and some of the music his writings inspired.
Learn about the conductor, author, musician, and composer Leonard Slatkin and his musically talented family.
Have you ever been curious about how a radio station operates? This behind-the-scenes look shows you the inner workings, discusses careers in radio, and helps you learn more about Classic 107.3 itself.
This special edition of Classics 4 Kids features music from Lord of the Rings and Phantom of the Opera as well as eerie favorites like Mussorgsky’s Night on Bald Mountain.